
A Drink to Your (Bone?) Health

Studies with animals have found that the equivalent of five to 10 drinks per week can have beneficial effects on the skeleton.

Healthy Planet Stewardship Student Research

Invaders in the Dunes

Unnoticed by most beach–goers, a showdown is under way in Oregon’s coastal dunes, and the winner could pack increased risks for coastal property, especially during winter storms.


Football as Product

The bottom line was that those running the NFL could no longer take football’s powerful appeal for granted, and they feared losing an entire generation of lifetime football fans (and that generation once lost might spawn another, then another).

Healthy Economy Innovation

Innovations to Market

OSU is introducing new and exciting innovations in agriculture, forestry, engineering, microbiology, chemistry, and veterinary medicine

Healthy Economy Innovation

Breaking Through

When Larry Plotkin took a buy-out package from Hewlett-Packard in 2005, he aimed to start a new business in the mid-Willamette Valley.

Healthy Economy Student Research

Found in Translation

Words and language have always fascinated Michael Goodman. Growing up in Florence, Oregon, he liked tracing the roots of words that most of us take for granted, and at Oregon State University, he has minored in Japanese. But it is his affinity for computers that is propelling the senior in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Combining his interests, he has created software that overcomes a barrier in translation.