homestories Uncategorized

When Prisons Go Corporate

Brett Burkhardt examines the private prison industry

Advantage Healthy Economy

Small World

Game-changing technology sometimes comes in small packages. For example, with two magnets and a lightbulb filament — a package thinner than a deck of cards — Joe Beckman and a team of Oregon State University collaborators may revolutionize the mass spectrometry (aka, “mass spec”) industry. Their device amplifies the sensitivity and precision of technology that is the workhorse of chemistry labs. And it requires minimal retooling of existing equipment.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Accidentally Blue

Mas Subramanian didn’t expect to find a brilliant blue pigment when he was looking for new semiconductors. But the Milton Harris Chair Professor of Materials Science in the Oregon State University Department of Chemistry was shocked in 2009 when he saw a graduate student take a powder with a vibrant blue hue out of a laboratory furnace.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Seedbed for Startups

Methane-powered engines. Autonomous helicopters. Online shopping assistants. Electricity from wastewater. These new products and the business opportunities they generate are in the pipeline at Oregon State University’s Advantage Accelerator.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Robots Learn to Walk

An era of walking robots that can help people with physical disabilities, take on dangerous missions or aid in disaster response is about to begin.


Partners in Science

The Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry has been created through a collaboration of state, federal and private sector partners.