Healthy Economy Healthy Planet

Biotech Partnership

Research into tree biotechnology has gotten a boost through a new agreement between Dow AgroSciences LLC and Oregon State University. The wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company will make its EXZACT™ Precision Technology available to Steve Strauss, distinguished professor of forest biotechnology in the College of Forestry.

Healthy Economy Healthy People Healthy Planet Innovation Student Research

10 Places for Undergrads to Look for Research Opportunities

Undergraduates are an integral part of research and scholarship at Oregon State University.

Healthy Economy Healthy People Innovation

The Gamma and the Beta

Fast, accurate, affordable detection of radiation — whether it’s from Japan’s damaged Fukushima plant, long-buried waste at Hanford’s WWII weapons site, or secret underground testing by rogue nations — is a pressing need internationally.

Healthy Economy Student Research


Robert Johnson gets a lot of strange looks when he tells his friends what he does in Ken Hedberg’s lab. The senior from Salem and another student, Luke Costello from Corvallis, shoot beams of electrons through clouds of gasses and use the results to analyze molecular structure.

Healthy Economy

Cradle of Innovation

With a $275 million portfolio, OSU researchers work with entrepreneurs to nurture economic development.

Earth Healthy Economy Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative Student Research

Lines in the Water

As fishermen, scientists and coastal communities spar over Oregon’s system of marine reserves, OSU researchers and their partners are developing the science. One of their first testing grounds is Port Orford’s Redfish Rocks.