Healthy People homestories Inquiry

Food of the Faithful

Tibetan studies scholar Geoffrey Barstow explores the limits of Buddhism

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Historical Truth

Knowledge of history can inoculate us against political fiction


From the Margins to the Center

The liberal arts lie at the heart of OSU’s 150-year land grant mission

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Medicine and the State

Historians shed light on science, illness and government


Out of the Mud

In 2002, the Welsh city of Newport was rocked by the discovery of a wooden ship buried in more than 20 feet of mud along the river Usk. Contractors had been digging a foundation for a new arts center when they struck solid oak timbers. A plan to dispose of the wood and get on with the construction project met with public protests and vigils, says Oregon State University alumnus Toby Jones.

Healthy Planet

Atoms for Peas

Oregon State University maintains one of the nation’s leading programs in radioecology, the study of the long-term impact of radioactive isotopes on the environment. Research on this topic goes back to the 1950s when agricultural scientists at OSU and elsewhere in the United States were confronting questions about how to manage radioactivity in the environment.