Healthy People

Speaking of Technology

Social media reinforce our view of the world

Healthy People homestories Inquiry

Familiar Faces

“If a person with facial paralysis walks into a room, people can tell that something is different, but they can’t quite figure out what it is,” says Kathleen Bogart, OSU psychologist.


The Iran Nuclear Accord: Dangerous deal or step toward truce?

Whether it was an olive branch signaling a new era of peace or a trumpet sounding the coming of World War III, the Iran nuclear accord has opened a new chapter for the United States in security and international policy.

Healthy People Healthy Planet

The Crossing

English professor Raymond Malewitz will take you on an intellectual romp that careens from crime-scene forensics to IKEA hackers, from the Sokal hoax to mad-cow disease, from “salvagepunks” to the Adventures of Tintin.

Healthy People Inquiry Student Research

Across the Cultural Divide

For an artist, science can be confusing, full of numbers, variables and technical terms. Whereas for a scientist, art can seem like a fantasy, a distraction from the real world.


Private Eyes

“In human history, there’s never been more surveillance of individuals by the state and by private corporations than there is today,” said Oregon State University historian Christopher McKnight Nichols in April when he appeared on National Public Radio’s Philosophy Talk.