Healthy Economy Innovation

Spin-Offs Boost Oregon’s Economy

Young companies based on research at OSU are attracting investment capital and creating job.

Healthy Planet Stewardship

Earth Ethics

Extension’s National Network for Sustainable Living Education has grown from the work of OSU professor Viviane Simon-Brown. Starting with 12 colleagues in five states in 2004, more than 80 people at 30 land grant universities now collaborate to promote planet-friendly lifestyles.

Earth Healthy Planet

Model Maker, National Medal Winner

OSU alumnus Warren Washington received the National Medal of Science in a White House ceremony on Nov. 17, 2010.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Willamette Innovators Night Will Showcase Grassroots Entrepreneurship

Innovation comes in many forms: life-saving robots, microbial fuel cells, carbonated fruit, plant-based lubricants and adhesives, and clothing that adjusts to your lifestyle.

Earth Healthy Economy Healthy Planet

Power Wave

Thanks to a partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy, Oregon State University and the private sector, wave energy is moving out of the lab and into the ocean.

Earth Healthy Planet Innovation

OSU’s Next Gen Nuclear on Green Science Oregon

A new production by GreenScienceOregon (an environmental science TV show sponsored by OSU, Portland State University, Solar World and Oregon BEST) delves into OSU research on passively safe, modular nuclear technology.