Marine Studies Initiative

Global Ocean

With one of the largest concentrations of marine scientists in the nation, OSU’s ocean research has gone global.

Healthy Economy

Blue Hue

An ancient quest for the perfect blue ended in a hot furnace in OSU’s Department of Chemistry — totally by accident.


Product Lines

These 12 biotechnology, energy and computer software companies account for about 300 jobs and $100 million in investment. They have spun off directly from or leveraged relationships with Oregon State University research.

Healthy Economy

Agricultural Sciences Welcomes New Dean

An agricultural leader from Purdue University became dean of the Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences in August.


The OSU Readers Summer Collection

We hope you’ll let the butterflies stay on the flowers this summer and spend some time yourself in at least one book by an OSU faculty member.


Explore Oregon Through OSU Research

From the state’s ancient forests to its briny oceans, from its prehistoric landscapes to its fertile fields, OSU scientists are studying the complexities of nature and the impacts of human activity.