Healthy People

Stories That Heal

“books and stories can buttress children’s self-concept, cultivating self-worth and calming the storm.”

Healthy People Student Research

Bibliotherapy in Kenya

It was at the bedside of a dying relative that the idea for Daphne Kagume’s doctoral dissertation took hold. As her beloved uncle succumbed to AIDS in a Kenya hospital, the OSU graduate student witnessed the heartbreaking isolation that so often afflicts AIDS patients in her native country.


Forged in Fire

In the life of a forest, fire can be a frequent and demanding companion. How often the flames visit and whether they stay low, licking the tree trunks, or flare into the canopy, becoming what foresters call a “stand replacement fire,” can determine the character of the forest for centuries. Or until the next fire.


Fire Cores


Nature’s Glue

Nontoxic, soy-based adhesives and wood-plastic composites are some of the new products emerging from Kaichang Li’s OSU laboratory in the Department of Wood Science and Engineering. Soy may help prevent cancer not only on your kitchen table but also in your kitchen table.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Growing Technology

From microbes to plants, OSU researchers are leveraging biological materials to develop a variety of new products.