Healthy Planet homestories

The Oregon Ocean Acid Test

Citizens are helping OSU scientists monitor coastal waters

Earth Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

Reefs Under Siege

Coral reefs are in decline around the world. A team of scientists is trying to understand why.

Earth Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

OSU Researchers Part of New Panel on Ocean Acidification, Hypoxia

A new panel of scientists is going to investigate the extent, causes, and effects of ocean acidification and hypoxia along the Pacific coastline.

Earth Healthy Planet

Tipping Point

In the summer, you may have to go 20 miles out to sea to find it, but close to the seafloor, near the edge of Oregon’s continental shelf, is a preview of the future: water as acidic as what the world’s oceans may be like in 50 to 100 years.

Earth Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

Acid Ocean

Water that upwells seasonally along the West Coast of North America is growing increasingly acidic, according to a survey conducted in 2007 by an international team of scientists. In June, they reported finding acidified ocean water within 20 miles of the shoreline, raising concern for marine ecosystems from Canada to Mexico.