Healthy People

Co-conspirators in Melanoma

Americans spend billions to beautify their outermost organ — to make it softer and younger, to erase wrinkles, conceal freckles, fake a tan, flaunt a tattoo. In our obsession with skin’s cosmetic qualities, it’s easy to forget the role it plays as nature’s biohazard suit. It defends our bodies against a barrage of environmental and biological assaults, from solar ultra-violet (UV) radiation and industrial pollution to extreme heat and deadly pathogens.

Healthy People

How Tumors Begin

Skin cancer cells proliferate in this model that shows stages of the disease.

Healthy People

Is There a Pill for That?

Instead of blindly following “doctor’s orders,” patients can power up their iPad, Google their symptoms and join a chatroom for a different kind of “expert” opinion — that of ordinary people who have “been there, done that.” In this brave new world of “e-health,” there are bounteous benefits, says Kristin Barker, a sociologist at Oregon State University.

Healthy People

High to Moderate Levels of Stress Lead to Higher Mortality Rate

A new study concludes that men who experience persistently moderate or high levels of stressful life events over a number of years have a 50 percent higher mortality rate.

Healthy People

Nature-Made Medicine

Two recent reports from Linus Pauling Institute scientists demonstrate their ongoing efforts to understand the relationship between health and dietary compounds.

Healthy People

Bone Builders

It may sound like the Olympics, but you don’t have to go to extremes to get benefits that could last a lifetime. Regular exercises can raise or maintain bone mass in children and adults, reducing fracture risks as they age.