Tibetan studies scholar Geoffrey Barstow explores the limits of Buddhism
Food of the Faithful

Tibetan studies scholar Geoffrey Barstow explores the limits of Buddhism
Immigrants and other minority cultures should have the right to maintain their traditions, languages and practices. And we should learn not just to tolerate differences, but to be open to and affirming of them.
Patti Duncan’s journey has been guided by deep, sometimes disturbing questions. How and why are the voices of birth mothers often erased from these stories? Why have so many women been silenced?
For an artist, science can be confusing, full of numbers, variables and technical terms. Whereas for a scientist, art can seem like a fantasy, a distraction from the real world.
Neebinnaukzhik means “summer evening” in the Ojibway (also known as Chippewa) language of the Great Lakes region. When Neebinnaukzhik Southall was growing up, she made handcrafts — friendship bracelets, dream catchers and beaded animals — and sold them to family and friends. She called her business Summer’s Specials.