Healthy Economy Innovation

The Greening of Wood Products

Wood composites offer resilience, efficiency and strength.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Spin-Offs Boost Oregon’s Economy

Young companies based on research at OSU are attracting investment capital and creating job.

Healthy Economy Innovation Stewardship

Neil Shay to Lead OSU’s Wine Institute

A molecular biologist who makes wine from his own grapes will lead research to support Oregon’s wine industry.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Willamette Innovators Night Will Showcase Grassroots Entrepreneurship

Innovation comes in many forms: life-saving robots, microbial fuel cells, carbonated fruit, plant-based lubricants and adhesives, and clothing that adjusts to your lifestyle.

Healthy Economy

Broken Beams

How and when things break yields information that manufacturers use to build better structures. So it’s no surprise that the companies that make the things we live in, ride over and depend on support research that tells them just how far their products will take us.

Healthy Economy

Two Business Startups Get Boost from OSU Fund

An innovative tax credit program aimed at fast-tracking commercialization of university research stands as a bright spot in Oregon’s sputtering economy.