Marine Studies Initiative

El Arrecife Heroico

Los corales del Varadero han soportado quinientos años de conflicto humano, pero puede que no sobrevivan el frágil proceso de paz de Colombia

homestories Marine Studies Initiative

The Heroic Reef

The corals of Varadero have endured five hundred years of human conflict, but they may not survive Colombia’s fragile peace.

Earth Healthy Planet homefeature Marine Studies Initiative

Altered Arctic

As the ice recedes, scientists seek signs of life in warming seas

Healthy Economy Marine Studies Initiative

Ripples Upon Ripples

Engineers use sensors and software to refine wave-energy systems

homestories Marine Studies Initiative Student Research

A Market for Barnacles

Julia Bingham launches a study of barnacle biology and culture on the Oregon coast.

Marine Studies Initiative

From Stakeholders to Sea Turtles

Laura Ferguson has dreamed of being a scientist since she was a child in Illinois, tromping through local streams. Her early explorations instilled a love of nature that led her to foreign countries and provided the necessary skills for her current post.