Healthy People Innovation

Online and Face-to-Face

The hallowed “sage on the stage” tradition is giving way to a more interactive process leavened by Wi-Fi and the Web.

Healthy People

Hmong Health Study Defies Expectations

The risks are especially high among the Hmong, whose cervical cancer rates are some of the nation’s highest.

Healthy People Stewardship

Ethical Evolution

Barely a century has passed since Louis Pasteur developed a vaccination for rabies. Since then, scientists have discovered treatments for some of the worst human scourges: smallpox, tuberculosis, polio and influenza. Much of their success can be traced to experiments on animals under circumstances that would shock us today.

Healthy People Stewardship Student Research

Nomads No More

Pressure from encroaching modernization threatens traditional patterns of migration and collaboration in Inner Mongolia. Tom Conte, master’s student in anthropology, traveled there to learn about impacts on the grasslands and Mongolian culture.

Healthy People

A Preventable Disaster

Fighting a war of independence should be turmoil enough for a small country, but in 1970, the people of Bangladesh also had to deal with a deadly cholera outbreak.

Healthy People Student Research

Learning to Fly

For many first-year college students, going to a new school represents “leaving the nest.” They are now responsible for housing, bills and their own education. But according to Heidi Igarashi , a research assistant at Oregon State University, most are still in their parents’ nest and will be for several more years.