Earth Healthy Planet Innovation

Wired Watershed

It took a potato launcher, a canoe and a helium-filled balloon to propel a high-tech scientific enterprise during an international workshop at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest.

Healthy Planet Inquiry

Lessons from the Magic Planet

Researchers are engaging the curious in meaningful inquiry.

Healthy Planet

“Like Looking Over His Shoulder”

WHEN OSU LIBRARIAN CLIFF MEAD LEADS YOU into the collected life history of one of America’s greatest minds, you step into the vortex of the last century.

Healthy Planet Stewardship

Call to Order

Problem solver and data provider. Advocate, explorer and teacher. Scientists play these and other roles in the often contentious environmental policy process, but not everyone agrees on which role is most important or even proper.

Healthy Planet Innovation

Sustainable Supply Chains

Recycling isn’t just for consumers. Manufacturers are finding competitive advantages in what is known as “end-of-life product management,” says OSU business professor Zhaohui Wu.

Earth Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

Acid Ocean

Water that upwells seasonally along the West Coast of North America is growing increasingly acidic, according to a survey conducted in 2007 by an international team of scientists. In June, they reported finding acidified ocean water within 20 miles of the shoreline, raising concern for marine ecosystems from Canada to Mexico.