Oregon State professor Bruce Menge and graduate student Elizabeth Cerny-Chipman investigate an epidemic of sea star wasting disease at Seal Rock.

Oregon State professor Bruce Menge and graduate student Elizabeth Cerny-Chipman investigate an epidemic of sea star wasting disease at Seal Rock.
OSU researcher Sally Hacker warns that climate-related changes to ocean upwelling “could have potentially profound effects on the future production” of Oregon’s estuaries.
Huge spikes in jellyfish numbers cause mayhem for fishermen.
Tiny zooplankton, often juvenile fish, feed on their plantlike cousins, the phytoplankton, at the base of the vast marine food web. Photos from the Cowen Lab show them in their wild and whimsical colorfulness.
Waiting for you in the stillness of Oregon State University’s Valley Library’s fifth floor is an exhibit as richly layered as the forests it portrays. It tells the story of trees as old as Methuselah, of the plants and animals they shade and shelter, and the people who, over time, have used them, studied them, cherished them, explored them, and found in them an irresistible muse.
A cougar, silent and unseen in the thick understory, is emitting a beacon from its tracking collar. “She’s close, about a hundred meters to the north,” says Beth Orning, a Ph.D. student at Oregon State University. Orning has evidence that cougar No. C216 is raising a litter in this hidden ravine.