Healthy People

More Microbiome Studies at Oregon State

Chemicals produced by microbes in our intestines may affect the brain. In a study with laboratory mice, Kathy Magnusson and her colleagues have demonstrated that adaptability, short-term memory and learning for long-term memory are related to the microbiome and what we eat.

Earth Healthy Planet

Cerebral Songs

Douglas Robinson has “some kind of filing system in his brain that lets him readily access bird vocalizations even when he hasn’t heard them in years.”

Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

Supersinks for Carbon

Keeping greenhouse gases sequestered in the tangled roots and soggy detritus of mangrove forests could be vital to keeping the planet cool enough for habitation, scientists say.

Healthy People

Five Facts About the Microbiome

What’s the difference between a probiotic and a prebiotic?

Healthy Planet Inquiry

Seventy Years of Peril and Hope

Linus Pauling, Oregon State’s most famous alumnus, spent the latter years of his life warning the world about the humanitarian and environmental threats posed by nuclear weapons. His international activism earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962.

Healthy Economy Innovation Marine Studies Initiative

Seahorse Inspires Robotics

The seahorse has a tail with a grasping mechanism to cling to seaweed or coral reefs, which could be useful for robotics applications that need to be strong, but also energy-efficient.