Earth Healthy Planet

Winds of Change

In his 32 years as a crab fisherman off the central Oregon coast, Al Pazar has pulled up a lot of strange things in his pots: wolf eels, skates, huge starfish, fossilized rocks, octopi, fish that rarely stray south of Alaska, and others that prefer the warm subtropical waters off Mexico. But until July 2002, he had never yanked up a pot full of dead Dungeness crabs.


Energy Source

The mixed messages blare at every grocery checkout: supermodels smiling seductively from magazines that push chocolate-cake recipes and weight-loss tips on the same page. No wonder millions of American females struggle with food and body image, laments OSU Professor Melinda Manore.

Healthy Planet Stewardship

Salmon Survival

Ocean conditions play a key role in the health of Northwest salmon runs, and scientists at OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center are trying to pinpoint why. Clearly there are more salmon during cold-water regimes, when strong and persistent upwelling fertilizes the marine food web.

Healthy Planet Stewardship Student Research

Feast or Famine

OSU graduate student Carrie Newell has discovered that the difference may stem from the relative abundance of tiny shrimp-like zooplankton called mysids, a gray whale delicacy.

Healthy People

The Zinc Link

When you eat a steaming bowl of tofu and bok choy while sipping a cup of rain-flower tea, you may be doing more than just having dinner. You may also be fighting cancer.


Teaching Evolution – audio

Paul Farber talks about Charles Darwin’s personal quest to understand life’s most fundamental principles.