Sophie Pierszalowski helps students succeed in research
A Leg Up for Science

Sophie Pierszalowski helps students succeed in research
“It is not lack of talent, but unintentional biases and outmoded institutional structures that are hindering the access and advancement of women.”
— Beyond Bias and Barriers, National Academy of Sciences
As the daughter of a physics professor and a lawyer, Catalina Segura set her sites on working in a university. Her father was “truly excited to use science to make a difference,” she recalls. “He was very inspiring.”
In her first year in college (Pacific Lutheran in Tacoma), music almost won out over mathematics for Holly Swisher’s attention. During her high school years in Salem, she had played piano and bassoon in a youth symphony, sang in a choir and even played drums in the marching band.
“In a multicultural environment, the boundaries of behavior and appearance are wider than they are in a single culture. But they matter less than the content of ideas and the commitment to values.”
The first-year student in civil and construction engineering has already helped to design a water filtration device that took second place at a regional competition in Idaho. When not in class, she works in Oregon State professor David Hurwitz’s driving simulation lab.