Healthy People Healthy Planet

Sacred Landscape

The traditions of native cultures — making reed baskets, eating wild foods, participating in sweat lodges — sustained people for centuries. Now those cultures are threatened by contamination. Researchers from the Umatilla reservation and OSU show why.


From Oppression to Religious Freedom

It took centuries for religious practices of American Indians to receive full protection under U.S. law.

Healthy People

Baskets of Concern

Food is only the most obvious way contaminants enter the human body.


Vital Signs

Optimism and a can-do attitude attracted the OSU Rural Studies Program, the Ford Institute for Community Building and the University of Oregon to take a closer look at indicators of rural health in the Coquille Valley.

Healthy People Inquiry

Young Immigrants

Coming of age in a new land is an American story. Children who bridge two cultures — their parents’ homeland and their adopted country — struggle to find a transnational identity and to succeed.

Healthy People

Stories That Heal

“books and stories can buttress children’s self-concept, cultivating self-worth and calming the storm.”