Underwater exploration to be streamed online this summer
Oregon’s Methane Coast

Underwater exploration to be streamed online this summer
The Pacific Ocean west of Newport is among the most well studied seas on the planet. It still has secrets to tell.
Citizens are helping OSU scientists monitor coastal waters
Nanci Bompey is the public information manager for the American Geophysical Union. She is spending a week aboard the R/V Oceanus with scientists from Oregon State University who are studying the role that small rivers play in the productivity of the coastal ocean during the winter.
With the array now deployed and already gathering data, a new world of scientific possibilities has opened. The Endurance Array contributes to a network of global ocean observing systems with partners such as the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the United Nations. Other systems are in place off South America, Europe and Asia.
For more than 30 years, Chelton as led efforts to improve satellite-derived measurements of the four primary ocean variables that can be sensed remotely: sea surface height, surface winds, sea surface temperature, and ocean surface biological productivity. His work has led to new hypotheses in ocean studies and has inspired many follow-up investigations by the ocean remote-sensing community.