homestories Student Research

A Leg Up for Science

Sophie Pierszalowski helps students succeed in research

homestories Uncategorized

Balancing the Equation

The numbers of women mathematicians at Oregon State are adding up

Healthy People Inquiry

Holly Swisher

In her first year in college (Pacific Lutheran in Tacoma), music almost won out over mathematics for Holly Swisher’s attention. During her high school years in Salem, she had played piano and bassoon in a youth symphony, sang in a choir and even played drums in the marching band.

Earth Healthy Economy Healthy People Healthy Planet Innovation Stewardship Student Research

da Vinci Days 2013: Stories from the Edge of Science

Leonardo da Vinci combined the practical and the beautiful, the mechanical and artistic. At the 2013 da Vinci Days festival in Corvallis, Oregon State University scientists, engineers and mathematicians shared their journeys under Antarctic sea ice, to an African village, to Mars and through a mathematical landscape.

Earth Healthy Planet

Glass Half Full (roughly speaking)

The next time you sip a glass of spring water, consider this: Before it got to your lips, that water was soaking through soil, creeping along basalt crevices or flowing through porous volcanic rock.