
Secret Slaughter

In the seaside village of Taiji, Japan, there’s a jarring juxtaposition: Jolly-looking tour buses shaped like happy dolphins putter up and down the streets by day, while by night fishermen secretly slaughter hundreds of panic-stricken dolphins in a nearby inlet and sell them as meat.

Healthy Planet

Redrawing the Map

Maps of Oregon’s territorial sea are due for an upgrade.


Climate by the Numbers

You can’t just walk into the data center in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS). The sign on the door says you need a pass card. There should be another sign too: Caution, planetary experiments in progress.

Healthy Planet Inquiry

Lessons from the Magic Planet

Researchers are engaging the curious in meaningful inquiry.


To Hear Whales Breathe

“I’ve been fortunate to work with a group of cetacean scientists for five years and have seen quite a few mysteries explained, but each explanation gives instant rise to at least one new question, and usually more. That’s one of the greatest frustrations, and the greatest pleasures, of working in a scientific field.”

Healthy Planet Stewardship

Today’s Forecast: Windy and Toxic

Heading out to dig clams at your favorite beach? Someday you may be able to check the red tide forecast in addition to the tide tables.