Healthy Planet Stewardship

Home from the Sea

With support from the state, forest industry and conservation groups, OSU researchers gather data on threatened seabird

Healthy Planet homestories

Hunters and Their Prey

Taal Levi wants humans and animals to coexist

Earth Healthy Planet

The Mystery of the Disappearing Birds

Once upon a time Barro Colorado Island was a mountaintop, rising from the trackless rainforest that carpeted the Isthmus of Panama. Its deep-green slopes hosted pumas and jaguars and more than 200 species of birds.

Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

Blue Carbon

The reason for mangroves’ massive capacity for carbon can be summed up in two words: perpetual wetness.

Healthy Planet

The Most Dangerous Thing — “It’s not the large carnivores”

Boone Kauffman and his research team share their field work with leeches, disease-carrying insects and other dangers.

Healthy Planet Stewardship

Of Spots and Stripes

To hear Katie Dugger tell it, you’d think catching a baby northern spotted owl for scientific banding was as easy as taking a Tootsie Roll from a toddler.