Earth Healthy Economy Healthy People Healthy Planet Innovation Stewardship Student Research

da Vinci Days 2013: Stories from the Edge of Science

Leonardo da Vinci combined the practical and the beautiful, the mechanical and artistic. At the 2013 da Vinci Days festival in Corvallis, Oregon State University scientists, engineers and mathematicians shared their journeys under Antarctic sea ice, to an African village, to Mars and through a mathematical landscape.

Earth Healthy People

Oregon 9.0

Professor Scott Ashford has seen the consequences of “megathrust” quakes in Chile, Japan and New Zealand: buildings and bridges tilted and broken like toys, beachfront tourist towns reduced to rubble, pipelines squeezed out of the ground like toothpaste out of a tube, businesses closed or forced to relocate.

Healthy Economy Innovation

Balancing Work and Family

Babies don’t wait for you to get your master’s degree. They arrive on their own schedules and change your life. Drew Arnold learned that lesson when he became a father. He also found that sleep comes in a distant third to family and education.

Advantage Healthy Economy Innovation

OSU Advantage: Sustainable Semis

Trucking companies are looking for new ways to cut fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. A partnership between Oregon State and Daimler is making inroads

Healthy Planet

The Road to Ecosystem Safeguards

“This new tool will help speed up transportation projects while beefing up environmental stewardship.”

Healthy Economy Innovation Student Research

The Glove Goes Wireless

A student-designed “wireless hand sensor” may not only help reduce hand and wrist injuries associated with repetitive motion but may have applications in robotics, medicine and computer gaming.