Healthy Planet homestories

Bury It Deep

Storing carbon underground could buy time for a climate solution

Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

Supersinks for Carbon

Keeping greenhouse gases sequestered in the tangled roots and soggy detritus of mangrove forests could be vital to keeping the planet cool enough for habitation, scientists say.

Healthy Planet Marine Studies Initiative

Blue Carbon

The reason for mangroves’ massive capacity for carbon can be summed up in two words: perpetual wetness.

Healthy Economy

The Economics of Carbon Reduction

To influence policy, research on climate change must incorporate many disciplines and bridge the divide between the natural and social sciences.

Earth Healthy Planet

Carbon Sink

Oregon State University forestry scientists have a habit of redefining the conversation about carbon and forests. Professors Beverly Law, Mark Harmon and their colleagues have demonstrated that old-growth stands on the west side of the Cascades store as much carbon or more than that held in tropical rain forests.

Earth Healthy People Healthy Planet

One Less Child

If you’re concerned about sustainable living, you probably pay close attention to your “carbon footprint.” We all have one: the amount of climate changing carbon we emit to the atmosphere through our energy intensive lifestyles. Some of us even calculate our household’s footprint with one of the many carbon calculators available online.