Keeping greenhouse gases sequestered in the tangled roots and soggy detritus of mangrove forests could be vital to keeping the planet cool enough for habitation, scientists say.
Category: Marine Studies Initiative
The seahorse has a tail with a grasping mechanism to cling to seaweed or coral reefs, which could be useful for robotics applications that need to be strong, but also energy-efficient.
Ari Friedlaender, an associate professor in the Bio-Telemetry and Behavioral Ecology Lab of OSU’s Marine Mammal Institute, investigates how whales and seals feed, swim, dive, socialize, mate and migrate — what he calls their “behavioral ecology.”
Deep Data
With the array now deployed and already gathering data, a new world of scientific possibilities has opened. The Endurance Array contributes to a network of global ocean observing systems with partners such as the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the United Nations. Other systems are in place off South America, Europe and Asia.
By equipping underwater gliders with acoustic sensors and computer software, Oregon State oceanographers are teaching the autonomous vehicles to identify biological hot spots in the oceans.
Coral reefs are in decline around the world. A team of scientists is trying to understand why.