“Our challenge is how to frame the issue to say, ‘We believe you have a health problem’ without implying, ‘You’re a bad person.’”

“Our challenge is how to frame the issue to say, ‘We believe you have a health problem’ without implying, ‘You’re a bad person.’”
Without antioxidants, you may be more prone to cancer and neurological or cardiovascular problems.
Kevin Ahern, who teaches introductory and advanced biochemistry classes to many of Oregon State University’s pre-med students, has another reason for wanting to drive science into his students’ minds. “These kids will be treating me sometime. I don’t want to have one of them as my physician and think, ‘oh man, you got a D in my biochemistry class.'”
Dioxin, the chemical pollutant made infamous by Vietnam-era defoliant Agent Orange, has long been known to suppress immune function in humans and other animals. Surprisingly, this dangerous side effect has a scientific silver lining. While studying the toxin’s health effects, researchers discovered the genetic pathway to immune system malfunction. For people who would actually benefit from suppressed immunity — those suffering from autoimmune and allergic diseases — this clue may lead to better therapies.
Children’s physical well-being is critical to their academic and emotional growth. Yet for an alarming number of preschoolers, too much sitting and too much snacking have led to premature weight problems.
In OSU’s Head Start and pre-kindergarten program at the Child Development Laboratory, children learn through Health in Action.