Healthy People Student Research

Searching the Past

The Cooper’s Ferry Archaeological Field School enables undergraduates and graduate students to become proficient in the latest techniques for digging into the past. Surrounded by steep canyon walls, they learn to excavate with hand-held masonry trowels, record data and create maps.

Healthy People Student Research

Bioengineering Students Jump-start Their Careers

A team effort to find a new way to treat sepsis has provided myriad hands-on opportunities for undergraduate and graduate bioengineering students at Oregon State. They’ve made vital contributions to the research and advanced their careers.

Healthy People Inquiry Student Research

Delving Into Censorship

The past seemed familiar to Matthew Schuck when he began scouring the Valley Library Archives for clues to censorship during WWI.

Healthy People

Excerpts from Latino and Latina Leaders of the 21st Century

Ordinary Beginnings, Extraordinary Outcomes provides comprehensive stories of courageous men and women who have defied expectations, overcome adversity, set precedents, and dedicated significant time and energy to helping others achieve their goals.

Healthy People Healthy Planet Stewardship

Survivors from the Depths of Time

As one of the “first foods” of Northwest Indians (along with salmon, elk, huckleberries and camas bulbs) lamprey hold a place of high honor in tribal culture. But outside Indian culture, Pacific lamprey have a PR problem.

Healthy People Inquiry

“I Feel Like Two People” (“Me siento como dos personas”)

A professor of Spanish in OSU’s School of Language, Culture and Society, García has just launched her newest book, Latino and Latina Leaders of the 21st Century, which celebrates the “Latino spirit” she embraced fully as a young girl and then internalized deeply over the decades.