“For scholars, access to the work of their peers is fundamental to the advancement of research.”
Category: Healthy Economy
Lee Buckingam master’s student in the College of Forestry, created a program that simulates greenhouse operations.
10 Steps for Innovators
The journey from idea to innovation turns, twists and hits the occasional roadblock.
Caring for Cows
Studies show that a stressed animal is more likely to be a sick, scrawny, infertile animal — hardly the formula for business success if you’re a rancher or dairyman.
Connections to Asia are expanding. They encompass a wide range of activities including academic conferences, student exchanges and faculty collaborations. They focus on business, engineering, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, wood science, music and more.
A student-designed “wireless hand sensor” may not only help reduce hand and wrist injuries associated with repetitive motion but may have applications in robotics, medicine and computer gaming.