Healthy Economy

Paying for Pavement

Since 1919, when Oregon became the first state in the nation to levy a gas tax, the revenue stream has been as reliable as winter rain in Portland. Today, it generates about $400 million annually, but in the near future, with the push for energy independence and electric cars in particular, paying for pavement may become more difficult.


Who Pays More?

Nothing gets a conversation started like a proposal for a new tax or a user fee. OSU economist B. Starr McMullen discovered that when she gave public presentations about vehicle mileage fees.

Healthy Planet Student Research

The Mythbuster

OSU graduate student Jesse Abrams interviewed ranchers, homeowners, business people and local officials to understand changes unfolding in Wallowa County.


No More Dentures

As soon as the story was out last winter, Chrissa Kioussi’s phone started to ring. People offered to send her their teeth or to volunteer in her study of tooth development.

Healthy Planet

Redrawing the Map

Maps of Oregon’s territorial sea are due for an upgrade.

Healthy People

Radical Defense

Without antioxidants, you may be more prone to cancer and neurological or cardiovascular problems.