“In a multicultural environment, the boundaries of behavior and appearance are wider than they are in a single culture. But they matter less than the content of ideas and the commitment to values.”
The Adams File: Beyond Appearances

“In a multicultural environment, the boundaries of behavior and appearance are wider than they are in a single culture. But they matter less than the content of ideas and the commitment to values.”
As planning for this issue of Terra got underway, the Ebola outbreak was capturing attention in medical journals and news reports and across the Internet. There were fears of a pandemic. Previously known only in Africa, the disease had appeared in the United States and Spain. Public health specialists struggled to cut the rate of new infections as scientists worked to fast-track potential therapies.
Every day, our scientists, scholars and engineers conduct experiments, study natural systems and drive economic development toward a sustainable planet, a thriving population and a prosperous future for all Oregonians. But the story doesn’t stop at the borders of our own state. OSU research spans the globe in pursuit of solutions to unprecedented stressors on ecosystems, social systems and economies worldwide.