Healthy Planet

A Delicate Balance

Nothing looks more vulnerable than a meadowlark hatchling: a scrap of fluff, a fraction of an ounce, blind, immobile except for its gaping mouth. As if that’s not enough fragility, the baby bird’s bowl-shaped nest sits on the ground — the same ground where herds of 800-pound cattle may graze.

Healthy Planet

Small-Scale Science

Little kids have a lot in common with hummingbirds. Both are small in size, quick in motion and fond of sugar. Plus, kids think hummingbirds are cool.


Broader Impacts

Broader impacts may be accomplished through the research itself, through the activities that are directly related to specific research projects, or through activities that are supported by, but are complementary to the project. The National Science Foundation values the advancement of scientific knowledge and activities that contribute to the achievement of societally relevant outcomes.

Healthy People Innovation Student Research

Innovation: Smart Bike Helmet

Bike helmets have long proven their worth by helping to prevent head injuries. Now a team of OSU student interns who worked at Intel last summer has turned the durable plastic shells into an emergency beacon, communicator and diagnostic tool in the event of an accident.

Healthy People Innovation Student Research

Technical Assistance

Under the guidance of Oregon State robotics professor Bill Smart, Arvey and his fellow students in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the University Honors College work to empower people with disabilities. Their idea: Equip an electric wheelchair with an operating system that can respond to verbal commands or eye blinks.


Leading Indicators — 2014

Get a glimps of OSU’s grants and contracts for the 2014 fiscal year in this Annual Report of Research.