
Of Predators and Herds

The health of any ecosystem starts with razor-like teeth and an appetite for meat. The “apex” predators — big carnivores like bears and wolves at the top of the food web — keep things in balance, OSU researchers have found in study after study in the western United States.


Hail Oceanus!

It was a beautiful day for a shakedown cruise off the Oregon coast. For a crew based at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center, March 7, 2012, was also a good day to get to know their new ship, the research vessel (R/V) Oceanus.

Earth Healthy Planet Inquiry

The Oh! Zone

Like the “sloth moth,” which lives only in the fur of the ambling two-toed and three-toed mammals, the “bat fly” exists only in the fur of the winged, cave-dwelling mammals. Now scientists know that the flea-like, blood-sucking fly has been hanging around with bats for at least 20 million years.


Parents Should Chill Out

Toddlers whose parents anger easily tend to throw more tantrums and become upset, a new study shows.

Healthy People

Infectious Science

The National Institutes of Health is supporting OSU researchers with $4.5 million spread across 16 active projects.

Healthy People

The Power’s in the Purple

A new type of tomato that’s “as black as an eggplant” is being touted for its health-enhancing properties.