Dana Hoyt’s college fund didn’t grow in the bank. It grew in the pasture.
She doesn’t envision a career wading through manure in drafty barns, however. She wants to work with laboratory animals in an academic research setting, probably a medical school, where she would monitor the health of such creatures as rats, mice, rabbits and monkeys and ensure proper treatment under federal regulations.
Born with a Stethoscope in Her Hand
After completing her DVM at the University of Prince Edward Island’s Atlantic Veterinary College in 2002, she came to OSU for her two-year residency. Having done her master’s thesis on the topic, “ovarian cysts in dairy cows,” Crane is clearly headed down the path her father set her on, back when her rubber boots were many sizes smaller than they are today.
Boot Camp for Vets
Chuck Estill knows that taking care of large animals can be tough. That’s why he takes OSU veterinary medicine students out to Willamette Valley farms where they can confront their fears — and see wonders.
Down on the Farm
As OSU’s mobile veterinary clinic travels from farm to farm in Benton County, small-talk is all about large animals and their care.
Sea Power
OSU electrical engineers Annette von Jouanne and Alan Wallace and their students are developing innovative wave energy devices. Their plan to create a wave energy research park near Reedsport, Oregon, brings hope to a community hit hard by economic decline.