Nuclear power tends to stir strong feelings, both pro and con. New engineering approaches address issues such as waste, operating safety and proliferation and underscore the potential for nuclear to raise living standards while reducing carbon emissions.
Category: Uncategorized
Salmon on the run
For a second year in a row, commercial salmon boats in California and Oregon will either retool for another fishery or travel north.
OSU to Host Climate Change Seminars
Starting April 1, Oregon State University will host a seminar series on climate change. First up: Ricardo Matano, on the oceans and climate.
Welcome to the Terra blog
Just as research raises new questions, Terra prompts responses from readers, and we have created this blog to share them. We welcome observations, ideas, experiences and opinions that add depth to the topics we address in Terra.
Targeting an Old Foe
M. tuberculosis is a tenacious germ. Armored in a thick, waxy wall impervious to water, the bacterium can lie dormant in the lungs for decades, waiting for a weakness in its human host.
From Risk to Relationship
Field studies in juvenile centers are rare. So Inderbitzin wanted to observe and talk with the boys, to evaluate their stories against the background of theories on delinquency and criminal justice.