A new study concludes that men who experience persistently moderate or high levels of stressful life events over a number of years have a 50 percent higher mortality rate.
Category: Healthy People
Birth Knowledge

As a midwife in Eugene, Ore., Bonnie Ruder has overseen more than 150 successful homebirths. When she leaves for Uganda with her family in November, she will be investigating circumstances when things don’t go so well.
Nature-Made Medicine

Two recent reports from Linus Pauling Institute scientists demonstrate their ongoing efforts to understand the relationship between health and dietary compounds.
Bone Builders

It may sound like the Olympics, but you don’t have to go to extremes to get benefits that could last a lifetime. Regular exercises can raise or maintain bone mass in children and adults, reducing fracture risks as they age.
Canines to the Rescue

The similarities are uncanny. Bone tumors, whether from a teenager’s leg or the paw of the teen’s pet dog, look virtually identical. If you biopsy those tumors and examine them under a microscope, you’d be hard pressed to tell one from the other.

Undergraduates are an integral part of research and scholarship at Oregon State University.