“A Call to Life” gathers international momentum
Author: hogueth
Patti Duncan’s journey has been guided by deep, sometimes disturbing questions. How and why are the voices of birth mothers often erased from these stories? Why have so many women been silenced?
Long-Term Care
Aging may be a universal experience, but culture and ethnicity affect how aging relatives fit into the family picture. Latino families, says Carolyn Mendez-Luck, tend to care for their elderly family members at home and delay institutionalization, relative to other racial and cultural groups.
Uncharted Territory
As adults live longer, the challenge of maintaining health through their senior years increases. Differences among individuals become more pronounced and older people may not respond to treatments as they would have when they were younger.
A new panel of scientists is going to investigate the extent, causes, and effects of ocean acidification and hypoxia along the Pacific coastline.