
Top of Mind: Capturing Research Dollars

In December 2013, the Office for Research Development was launchede with the goal of establishing a framework to catalyze the competitiveness of faculty researchers in winning funding for their research.  The creation of the office was driven by a task force of visionary faculty recognizing the need for someone to facilitate the development of large-scale proposals, institutionalize our “lessons learned,” position OSU to compete successfully on large-scale opportunities, foresee and create new opportunities for large-scale research, and make interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research an institutional priority.


Opportunities in STEM, Disaster Resilience, NSF Tools

Oregon State University has received a $3.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation to improve conditions for women in the academic science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines.


Women Nobel Laureates

On October 5, May-Britt Moser became the 16th woman to win the Nobel Prize in science or medicine. Moser, a Norwegian neuroscientist, won the coveted prize for her part in discovering those important cells in your brain that allow you to navigate your surroundings and remember where you are — the ones that will get you, for example, to your favorite coffee shop after you’ve finished reading this post.