By Cynthia Sagers, Vice President for Research

During my first year as the vice president for research at Oregon State University, I had the opportunity to learn much about the university’s research enterprise and to be inspired by the work that takes place here every day.
My first and strongest impression from this past year on the job centers on our Oregon State faculty. Quite simply, they are fearless — fearless in tackling some of our planet’s most pressing problems. From climate change and food security to renewable energy and earthquake resilience,
OSU researchers are at the leading edge of their respective fields. For the second straight year, Oregon State research funding set a new record. In the fiscal year that ended June 30, researchers earned $336 million in grants and contracts. This accomplishment is testament to our faculty’s expertise and dogged quest for discovery.
The culture of collaboration across disciplines distinguishes our faculty and contributes to OSU’s success. This unique community fosters discovery, creativity and innovation and inspires new scientists, engineers and teachers who come to Oregon State from around the world.
I hope you will enjoy reading Oregon State’s “Leading Indicators: 2016 Annual Report of Research.” In addition to our numbers, this annual report has information about discoveries involving the world’s coral reefs, new approaches to cancer treatment and earthquake resiliency efforts.
Moving forward, the challenge for Oregon State is to do even better. I am committed to finding the resources and the support our faculty needs to continue its exceptional pursuit of knowledge.