Healthy Planet Stewardship

An Ethical Tightrope

Making ethical choices about animals can be a philosophical high-wire act — a precarious balance of practicality and principle. Weighing practical needs against “normative ethics” — right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust — requires more than a handbook of do’s and don’ts.

Earth Healthy Planet Stewardship

Documenting the Giants

Forest scientist and Oregon State University alumnus Steve Sillett studies and climbs the largest trees in the world.

Healthy Economy Healthy People Healthy Planet

Oregon State University In Asia

Connections to Asia are expanding. They encompass a wide range of activities including academic conferences, student exchanges and faculty collaborations. They focus on business, engineering, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, wood science, music and more.

Healthy People

Volunteers for Science

A citizenry that is not only scientifically sophisticated but also personally committed is our best hope for collective action on behalf of a healthy planet.


Normative Science

Too often, however, scientific information presented to the public and decision-makers is infused with hidden policy preferences. Such science is termed normative, and it is a corruption of the practice of good science.


Staying in Touch

My mother had her eyes focused on the future.