Healthy People

High Grades for Animal Care

In awarding full accreditation to Oregon State University in March, AAALAC offered the following remarks to Rick Spinrad, vice president for research.

Technicians and researchers rely on rodents and other animals to unlock biological mysteries. (Photo: Frank Miller)
Technicians and researchers rely on rodents and other animals to unlock biological mysteries. (Photo: Frank Miller)

By Lee Anna Sherman

In awarding full accreditation to Oregon State University in March, AAALAC offered the following remarks to Rick Spinrad, vice president for research. “The Council commends you and your staff for providing and maintaining an excellent program of laboratory animal care and use.” Especially noteworthy, the council said, was the high level of administrative commitment to the animal care and use programs, evidenced by:

  • The construction of the Linus Pauling building and the Livestock Pavilion
  • The strong and effective program of veterinary care, evidenced by the excellent overall health status of the animals
  • The engaged and effective IACUC, which was comprised of active and very knowledgeable members
  • The excellent, detailed individual medical and production records maintained by the Dairy Barn
  • The development of an electronic database to provide daily status reports to the attending veterinarian
  • The excellent, well-documented training program

See The Ethic of Care