Healthy Planet

How Fire Saves Water

Parts of the Oregon outback are a poetic juxtaposition of passionate color scattered among charred, stalagmitic trees piercing the sky above like mighty javelins. In autumn, the understory blazes in hues of red, orange and yellow — colors that light the burnt forest as if it were once again on fire.


‘Tis the Season

“Antibiotics can be important, sometimes lifesaving, medications when we really need them,” explained Jessina McGregor, assistant professor in Oregon State University’s College of Pharmacy. “But all too often, they’re taken unnecessarily or improperly.”


Tethered by Respect

“The bond forged that day was of a rare breed. One, I would say, that could only be formed between a falconer and her bird. One that can rarely be found between two people, or even two animals. A partnership. Mutually beneficial and boiling over with respect.”

Student Research


A volunteer told me later that the nocturnal octopus rarely comes out during the day.

Earth Healthy Planet

Ground Lines

Every observation from sediment color, rock composition and how far a layer inclined from horizontal had to be recorded in the orange field book and marked on the contour map.

Healthy People Stewardship

The Ethic of Care

The three rats snoozing in Cage 57 don’t know it, but they could someday help save thousands of human lives.